The Judeo-Christian-Islamic Covenant
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Version 1.00
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Submitted By: Visions International, Inc. Creator: Ayman Alhasan
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This page requires reviews and input from evangelicals and other Christian and Jewish conservatives.
Indiscriminately compassionate pastors and faith leaders of various denominations team up to develop an online 21st century grassroots Peace Covenant to address local, national, and international violence-related challenges. The faith leaders use the Common Cause and Vision Process Lifecycle (CCVL) to jointly develop Covenant articles and pledge to openly honor and preach them to their congregations and denominations. The first common cause the faith leaders select is "Indiscriminate Compassion" as detailed below.
Beyond Indiscriminate Compassion, the next group of common causes can address the following immediate global concerns:
The great replacement theory in the USA and Europe
Racial violence.
Global violence against children committed in the name of God or country.
Proposed Faith Leader Pledge
We pledge to preach and practice indiscriminate compassion and love, openly show empathy, and extend our compassion and understanding to all victim children, whether in our own countries or in distant lands, whether friend or foe, and regardless of nationality, religion, race, ethnicity, or their parents' political views.
Why Only Christianity, Judaism, and Islam? How about Other faiths?
Only the main three Abrahamic faiths are addressed because their followers constitute more than 50% of the world's population, have many shared beliefs, virtues, and values, and are involved in most conflicts (i.e., bloodshed) today. If those three close religions can end violence between, and among, their followers, world peace will be possible. JCIC strives to apply a pragmatic strategy to inspire world peace.
Indiscriminately compassionate faith-leaders of the three main Abrahamic faiths are recognized globally as champions of peace and harmony by the year 2030
ORGANIZATION (Conept Draft - Open to contributions)
The Judeo-Christian-Islamic Covenant (JCIC), Inc. is an envisioned international peace organization based in the United States (shell organization is now incorporated in the Dallas Area and South Africa). Its members are peacemakers and indiscriminately compassionate Christian, Muslim, and Jewish faith leaders who have made a covenant before God, their congregations, and all nations to inspire God’s transcendent peace. Their mission is to bring an end to the victimization of children of all faiths, all nations, all races, all skin colors, and all ethnicities, whether violated in the name of God or Country. Building on the principles of shared Abrahamic beliefs, values, and virtues, the members of this emerging partnership of faith leaders from across the religious spectrum—conservative, moderate, and liberal—and of all denominations sign a covenant to inspire common causes in their congregations and denominations. The peace-making partners network, coordinate, and communicate via the Internet to publish covenant articles (pledges and common causes), negotiate objectives, and report on independently verified achievements. To strengthen this partnership, participating churches, mosques, and synagogues around the world are paired with counterparts in the other faith groups, even including partnerships between the Vatican, Grand Mosque in Mecca, and various holy shrines in Jerusalem. Faith leaders inspire potentially billions of followers by appearing hand-in-hand before local, national, and international audiences to affirm their solidarity with all victim children without alluding to the perpetrators. Faith leaders offer community inclusion to the followers of other faiths in their locales by reading intercongregation messages in the name of The Judeo-Christian-Islamic Covenant and by participating in Covenant Sanctuary Peace Drills and Peace Maker Month campaigns. JCIC, however, does not offer multifaith/interfaith worship services. This partnership will provide a context for the cause of world peace. The JCIC organization will restructure and open invitations to other faiths once major milestones in grassroots Jewish, Christian, and Muslim relations are achieved. Initially, faith leaders and public figures (community leaders, celebrities, politicians, athletes, etc.) can endorse the covenant on and JCIC will be open for membership when enough endorsements are collected.
Inspire God's Peace on earth
JCIC limits its scope of operations to only common causes. These are causes based on shared Jewish, Christian, and Islamic (Abrahamic) beliefs, values and virtues, starting with survival rights (below). Any disputed causes, principles, values, or virtues are simply out of scope.
Why Faith Leaders Should Endorse JCIC
Casualties of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Conflicts in only the last 4 decades (low estimate):1.6M Killed - 32M Displaced - 20,000 RapedChildren have been killed, disabled, orphaned, rendered homeless, traumatized, displaced, or sexually abducted.
- Inspire God's transcendent peace at grassroots level and between all races.
- Help end violence committed in the name of God or country (e.g., terrorism, wars, etc.)
- Help end rationalizing violence against children and committed in the name of God or Country by errant imams, pastors, priests, and rabbis. (click here for more info - page under construction)
- Those who resist building bridges of compassion, peace, and understanding between cultures and faiths may have already contributed to large-scale human tragedies.
- Christians or Muslims who rationalize, in the name of God, the killing or suffering of children, or other innocent victims, might not be in Jesus' camp after his return to earth.
Strategy Summary:
Distinguish indiscriminately compassionate from selectively compassionate pastors, priests, imams, and rabbis and empower them to organize, engage in CCVL to coordinate the teaching and preaching of common causes and achieve measurable grassroots peace alignment results. Start locally, and scale globally.
Distinguish indiscriminately compassionate from selectively compassionate faith leaders.
- Publish criteria to distinguish Indiscriminately from selectively compassionate faith leaders.
- Offer indiscriminate compassion competence and self-assessments tests and training and certification programs. Must be developed and/or endorsed by representatives of all member denominations, sects, and faiths.
- Solicit endorsement of mainstream Christian, Muslim, or Jewish celebrities and national and international figures and leaders (avoid controversial figures until later phase), and peace organizations.
- Secure national media coverage of JCIC pilots (below), peace-maker months, anti-violence campaigns, and covenant sanctuary peace drills.
- Hold national and international recognition and award events for indiscriminately compassionate peacemaking faith-leaders.
Reach out, challenge, and empower indiscriminately compassionate faith leaders in all faith denominations and sects to connect, team up and organize
Establish a Common Ground (black blocks or the foundation in diagram below) of humanitarian values and shared Christian, Jewish, and Islamic beliefs and virtues. Faith leaders will articulate the Common Ground, add to the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Covenant, and sign.
The Common Cause and Vision Lifecycle (CCVL) resolves the three primary multifaith global grassroots teaming challenges (Distance, Communication, and Trust) and enables sincere peace-loving faith leaders who speak different languages and live in different countries to effectively team up, plan, achieve common goals, and build trust. The first version of the lifecycle process is complete and ready for testing. The lifecycle process will be tested, revised, and improved continuously, and automation will start after the Texas pilot is complete. The CCVL app will become the faith leaders’ primary global collaboration tool, God-willing.
Inspire world peace one Common Cause at a time (i.e., add one block at a time on top of the Common Ground). To build or inspire a single Common Cause, faith leaders must apply a single cycle of the CCVL process below. Cycle duration might extend to a few years.