Common Cause And Vision Lifecycle (CCVL)
Version 1.00
Common Creative Legend Here
Submitted By: Visions International, Inc. Creator: Ayman Alhasan
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This is a preliminary concept. Needs reviews and input from conservative faith leaders and TV producers.
PeaceDare is a global goodwill competition between Christian and Muslim faith leaders to help them effectively team up, plan, achieve common goals, build trust and jointly promote common divine causes. The faith leaders version of CCVL (below) resolves the two primary faith leaders teaming challenges (Distance and Trust) This new partnership will unleash the power of our faith leaders combined love and compassion and transform them into an enormous force for good. Finally, the first competition will be used to develop Internet applications and services to automate the faith leaders version of CCVL and offer it as an online service. Two PeaceDare pilots/experiments are required to test the concept: One local and one global.
Faith leaders launch new social media services to offer CCVL applications, websites, and services and win International peacemaking awards.
- Faith leaders CAN demonstrate that their faith and denomination inspire peace and love to a watching world
- Create new role models for younger generations
- Demonstrate that faith leaders CAN be true peacemakers
- Get credited for helping end terrorism, radicalization, wars, and the killing of the innocents of all faiths everywhere
- Make the words "God" and "religion" a peace inspiration - a redemption of past and continuing bloodshed and violence committed in the name of God or country
- Break isolation barriers between faith leaders
- Start a new global coalition of God-loving peacemakers
- Help save potentially millions of children and other innocent victims of war and violence
First Step: Common Ground
Participating faith leaders and peacemakers meet to agree on common ground (shared beliefs, virtues, and values.) The common ground shall be added to the Texas Peace Covenant, signed by all participating faith leaders, and published.
Second Step:
Add one common cause at a time to the common ground by applying the faith leaders version of CCVL:
- Also in the Peacemaker Heroes and Champions conference, faith leaders jointly select one common cause to address the most critical grassroots challenges in Texas.
- Faith leaders jointly develop a five years vision based on the selected common cause. This is accomplished during a professionally managed vision-planning workshop. The workshop must be attended by denomination/sects' leadership.
- The common cause and pledges to independently preach and practice them are articulated and added to the "Texas Peace Covenant", and signed by all participating faith leaders.
- Each represented denomination, faith, or sect will develop their own plans and propose SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Bound) objectives to be achieved within their own adherents to realize the vision.
- These SMART objectives will then be negotiated and approved by representatives of other faith leaders in a second virtual Peacemakers SMART Conference.
- Faith leaders will independently work with their congregations and within their denominations in their own way to fulfill these SMART goals.
- An independent professional organization will measure achievements and publish results.
- Faith leaders meet again at the Peacemaker Heroes and Champions Conference to:
- Review and approve accomplishment reports
- Review reports of current challenges
- Recommend a common cause for the next CCVL cycle, and
- Recognize the new peace champions (community leaders)