Browse or Search For Peacebuilding Ideas (under construction)
Featured Ideas and Concepts
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A Mezzinine-Down peacebuilding methodology enables divided communities build grassroots trust by working indepdendantly on common causes, while coordinating though their community leaders. Methodology can be customized
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Indiscriminately Compassionate Faith Leaders use Multifaith verion of CCVL to write 21st Century Covenant of shared Abrahamic Beliefs and Common Causes, The educational activity inspires
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Depositary and Incubator of Local and Global Grassroots Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution Ideas and Concepts. Purpose is to harness the collective wisdom of diverse cultures and faiths and serve as a crucible for innovative peacebuilding ideas and strategies.
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Indiscriminately Compassionate faith leaders compete in a reality TV show to acheive common causes